Participation Forms
We hate to be sticklers for paperwork, but in fact, we have to be. In order to participate in, or volunteer for, Dreams in Motion adaptive sports programs, you must read our Concussion Policy, fill out the appropriate waiver below, and read about our sport protection policies. We do have waivers available at practices and programs we sponsor or host, but you can save a bit of time by filling out the waivers beforehand.
Dreams in Motion Concussion Policy
Dreams in Motion Child Waiver (for athletes, participants, and volunteers under 18)
Dreams in Motion Adult Waiver (for athletes, participants, and volunteers over 18)
Dreams in Motion Sport Protection
Dreams in Motion is committed to creating a safe and positive environment for athletes’ physical, emotional and social development and to ensuring that it promotes an environment free of misconduct. Please review Dreams in Motion safety policies and the SafeSport information included below.
Dreams in Motion Sport Protection Handbook
Dreams in Motion Athlete Supervision Policy
Dreams in Motion Locker Room Policy
Dreams in Motion Travel Policy
Dreams in Motion Physical Contact Policy
Dreams in Motion Electronic Communications and Social Media Policy
If you would like to report a concern, please fill out this form. All information is confidential and anonymity maintained unless it is necessary to share with appropriate law enforcement officials as outlined in the Dreams in Motion Sport Protection Handbook.